A Token of Appreciation to Chinese Philanthropists
Covid-19 has led whole world end in a catastrophe. The only ray of hope are unsung heroes who work day and night in hospitals by putting their lives at stake. Doctors and Paramedical Staff have been the front line warriors to pull out masses from the quagmire of current Pandemic. It has been witnessed worldwide that these warriors are found working in various Hospitals and Quarantine centers without adequate Personal Protective Equipments (PPEs).
Pakistan is unfortunately one of the unlucky countries with limited resources in medical sector. Therefore medics and people throughout the country have to look towards sponsors and philanthropists who can provide PPEs to combat this virus. Evidently China is a benign and generous neighbor bordering with Pakistan in the north via Gilgit-Baltistan- a far flung tough terrain with poor infrastructure and crippled health care. The pandemic has hard hit Gilgit-Baltistan like other provinces of the country. Though the local government in the region is striving hard to mitigate to contain virus yet there is a vacuum to be filled up by native Philanthropists.
It is pertinent to mention one of the Philanthropists of Gilgit-Baltistan Mushtaq Hussain Khan-a local businessman and CEO of Sargin Enterprises ,brother of Late Justice Supreme Appellate Court GB Shehbaz Khan- who promptly reached out to some of his Chinese cronies to extend help and they supported with magnanimity.
The first in row includes Mr Tian Nian Sheng-a Chinese citizen who visited Gilgit-Baltistan with his freinds 40 years back during construction of Karakuram Highway (KKH).Since then his heart has been throbbing with the people of Gilgit-Baltistan.He has played an imperative role to bolster Pakistan-China Friendship.
Mr Xu Ya Ping is another kind hearted soul among donors. A prominent journalist who managed to lead the poor kith and kin of the departed souls -those who sacrificed their lives during construction of KKH- all the way from China to the Chinese graveyard at Danyor, Gilgit.
In order to combat COVID-19, the generous philanthropists of China donated 530 pieces of medical protective clothing, 28,000 latex gloves, 14,000 disposable medical masks, 2944 pairs of goggles. The PPEs have been distributed in Gilgit-Baltistan in various hospitals, quarantine centers in several districts of GB. Some of the police on duty are also provided with masks and protective kits.
Distribution of PPE.s has been carried out at :
Today , there will be distribution of PPE’s at Diamer, Chilas and day after in Astore.
Details of Donated PPE’s are :
The people of Gilgit-Baltistan extend gratitude to all the donors for showing empathy and love. Together we can fight this pandemic. Special thanks to Donors from Yue Yang City of Hunan Province China
1.Hunan Daily News Agency Yueyang Branch
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